News for December
Parish Holiday Office Hours
New Years Eve – December 31 – 9am – 1pm
New Years Day – Office Closed
New Years Eve Mass
Tuesday, December 31:
10pm – New Years Eve Mass
Wednesday, January 1st:
10am – New Years English Mass
Mary Immaculate Together in Mission
Parish Goal: $77,700.00
Pledges: $55,298.59
Amount Paid: $44,375.09
Difference: ($33,324.91)
Thank You all for your support in the 2019 Together in Mission Campaign!!!
Did You Know?
Keep holiday parties safe for children
Wine, cocktails and spiked eggnog may make your holidays festive, but they’re no party for young children. Children often accidentally drink alcohol after holiday parties, by sampling partially empty glasses and what’s left in the punch bowl. Ingesting as little as 3 ounces of hard liquor potentially can be fatal to a child weighing 25 pounds. Alcohol causes blood sugar levels to drop, which can lead to confusion, seizures or even comas. Clear away all glasses and other alcoholic containers immediately as soon as guests leave after your holiday party. Keep the poison control center phone number programmed in your phone and posted on your refrigerator: 1-800-222-1222.