English Español Mary Immaculate
Catholic Church / Pacoima, CA

News for February

President’s Day

In Observance of Presidents Day Our Parish office will be closed on Monday, February 21, 2022.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday English Services

12:00 pm and 6:00 pm in the Church

School Mass

9:00 am

Deepening the Experience of Healing Your Family Tree

Saturday, February 26, 2022 at St. Dominic Parish Hall in Eagle Rock

2002 Merton Ave. Los Angeles, CA

  • Freedom and deliverance through the Eucharist
  • Does ancestral sin affect the living?
  • Prayer for Breaking Family Bondage
  • Passing Blessings to Future Generations
  • Mass for Healing Your Family Tree
    • To register, go to https://scrc.org/hft or call 818-771-1362 (9-4 M-F)

      Rachel’s Vineyard

      Retreat Weekend for Healing after Abortion

      Rachel’s Vineyard retreat is for men and women struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The retreat is designed to help participants work through repressed grief and anger in a safe, nonjudgmental setting and come to acceptance, healing, and hope for the future. Developed in the Roman Catholic Tradition, it utilizes spiritual exercises and rituals to help grieve the loss of unborn children and to accept God’s forgiveness. All inquires and registrations are confidential.

      March 4-6, 2022
      San Fernando, CA
      Cost: $300. per person

      For registration or more information please call 323-577-5693 or email RVLA.christine@gmail.com

      Youth Ministry

      Youth Ministry is now enrolling for our Youth Programs of EDGE and LIFETEEN. There is no cost to attend these programs. EDGE is our Middle School Ministry that meets on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00pm. LIFETEEN is our High School Ministry that meets on certain Fridays from 6:30-8:00pm. Please call the Youth Ministry office for more information on how to sign up for these programs (818) 899-0278 Ext 7.

      Did You Know?

      Simple touching rules for children

      Adult apprehension about discussing touching safety can get in the way of creating a safe environment for children, but doing so is critical to children’s well-being. Keep the touching rules short and sweet: No one has the right to touch a child’s private parts except to keep him or her safe and healthy. If someone tries to touch a child’s private parts, the child should say “No!”, run away, and tell a trusted adult. For more information, request a copy of the VIRTUS  article “Teaching Touching Safety and Preserving Innocence” at lacatholics.org/did-you-know.

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