English Español Mary Immaculate
Catholic Church / Pacoima, CA

News for January

California Fires

For all who wish to donate, the Archdiocese has created a special dedicated fund to be used directly to support parishes and schools impacted by the fires. Use the QR Code.
Donation QR Code

Need of Assistance?
Call the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Los Angeles (SVDPLA) at 1-888-552-7872 for food items, clothing, hygiene kits, etc.

Also, You can find a resource list with support available by city, including type of aid and resources available:
Support available

Please keep praying for all those suffering in the wildfires sweeping through southern California. My heart goes out to our neighbors who have lost their homes and livelihoods. Let’s pray for them and let’s pray for our firefighters and first responders. May God keep all of our brothers and sisters safe and bring end to these fires!— Archbishop Gomez

Did You Know?

Small actions to take for child safety

Being a safe adult is more than just taking some classes on abuse prevention and filling in the right answers. Adults who model healthy behaviors are a strong example for children, helping them distinguish safe from unsafe adults. Basic actions, like wearing a seatbelt, obeying school rules and ministry guidelines, and always acting
in a way that supports children can help build a safe community. For more ideas, read the VIRTUS® article “Modeling healthy behaviors” at https://lacatholics.org/did-you-know/.

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