English Español Mary Immaculate
Catholic Church / Pacoima, CA

News for May

First Communion Registrations

Friday, May 24th from 5:00pm-8:00pm
At Father Luciano Hall

Students must be in 2nd-8th grade (between 7-13 years old)
Must bring copy of birth and baptism certificate.
Call for more information: (818) 899-2111

Raffle Winners

  1. Ticket #69373 & Seller of the 1st Prize Ticket
  2. Ticket #07930
  3. Ticket #03962
  4. Ticket #02308

Thank you for all your support!

Did You Know?

Maintaining a good social media presence

Social media activity is never truly hidden, even on private accounts. If you are working or volunteering with children, it is a good idea to keep a clean profile online. Read through the rules about social media usage for your organization — it may prohibit staff from contacting or friending children involved in the program. Consider your profile usage, including the things you post or share and the profiles you follow. For more tips, read the VIRTUS® article “Social Media Rules to Follow with Children” at lacatholics.org/did-you-know/.

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