News for September
Confirmation Registrations
Our Confirmation Program is still receiving sign ups for both First Year and Second Year Confirmation. If you have a child in High School and still want to register them for the Sacrament of Confirmation, please come to the Youth Ministry Office to register on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 4-9pm. To Register all we need is a copy of teen’s Baptism and First Communion Certificates, as well as a deposit of $100 to register. Confirmation Classes will begin on September 18 (First Year) & September 19 (Second Year) from 6:30-8:00pm.
Did You Know?
Know your kid’s school
Parents and guardians have the primary responsibility for protecting their children from all potential harm. When choosing a nursery, daycare center, or school, parents should inspect the building and grounds to make sure there are no areas where children play or work that are “off limits” to parents. Such facilities should have a policy that welcomes parents to visit the center or school without prior appointment