Do You Love Me?
Third Sunday of Easter
Peter and his friends, feel disappointed and leave Jerusalem and return to Capernaum, their home by the lake of Genesaret, to their everyday routine and daily life, the glorious and extraordinary time with Jesus having come to an end. Peter extends his time there by going fishing.
There is the change… from disappointment to illusion. From knowing what it is they are supposed to do –fish– they now proceed to knowing what they have to be –fisher of men– and thanks to the instructions of Jesus, they catch 153 fish, which some say is the number of species of fish, which some say is the number of species of fish known at that time, while others say that it is the number of countries known at that time of antiquity… the net includes all the world at that time, represent all the people of the human race, all languages and nations, excluding no one, uniting all peoples without any distinctions, and in spite of this, the net remains intact without tearing asunder.
All the baptized have the assignment to evangelize with all simplicity and humdrum of every day and must go out to fish where we will find all those who are lost and far from God. Towards the end of the gospel Jesus asks three questions of Peter and reminds us that in effect, that it is only through love is it possible to understand the mission which He confides in us, and that it is only through love is it possible to mature as disciples. The insistence one feels in the questions of Jesus appears to underscore this: do you really love me?
True love is proven by overcoming many difficulties, including those that arise from our own weaknesses. Christ tells us all that the authority is love and service and asks us all: do you love me…?
Readings for Next Week
Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-13, 14-15, 16-17; Jn 6:60-69
Sunday: Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps 100:1-2, 3, 5; Rev 7:9, 14B-17; Jn 10:27-30