Summer Time
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Summer is already here! School is over, graduates are gone, and I am sure some of you are already planning some traveling time. Summer is a time of change and transition, new school, new home etc. but it is definitely also a time to relax, refresh and reenergize ourselves and of course to enjoy our favorite outside activities. I cannot believe it has been a year for me already here at Mary Immaculate because I feel that I just got here yesterday. I really thank you for all your prayers and support during this time. As you know we are hired a new principal to the school who is not a stranger to our community since her grandmother was a long time parishioner. I am sure, Ms Veronica Macias will be a great asset to our school community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Federina Gullano for all the years of tremendous work, leadership, service and dedication to Mary Immaculate School. We wish her the best and hope she enjoy the well deserved retirement with family and friends. I hope and pray that we may continue her legacy of making Mary Immaculate school a catholic institution dedicated to help families with the educational and spiritual needs of our children. I wish you and your families a safe and blessed summer time.
Fr. Abel Loera, Pastor
Saints & Special Observances
Sunday: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday: St. Thomas
Tuesday: Independence Day
Wednesday: St. Anthony Zaccaria; St. Elizabeth of Portugal
Thursday: St. Maria Goretti
Friday: First Friday
Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary
Readings for the Week
Monday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc-2; Jn 20:24-29
Tuesday: Gn 19:15-29; Ps 26:2-3, 9-12; Mt 8:23-27; or, for Independence Day, any readings from the Mass “For the Country or a City,” nos. 882-886, or “For Peace and Justice,” nos. 887-891
Wednesday: Gn 21:5, 8-20a; Ps 34:7-8, 10-13; Mt 8:28-34
Thursday: Gn 22:1b-19; Ps 115:1-6, 8-9; Mt 9:1-8
Friday: Gn 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67; Ps 106:1b-5; Mt 9:9-13
Saturday: Gn 27:1-5, 15-29; Ps 135:1b-6; Mt 9:14-17;
Sunday: Zec 9:9-10; Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14; Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt 11:25-30
Independence Day Prayer
Lord, we stand today as our forefathers
have stood before You in times gone by,
Celebrating our history and revealing
in all the great things that our country has achieved.
On this day we rejoice in the favor
You have graciously given us.
We thank You for the blessings of liberty,
for this generation and for the generations to come.
We thank You for our independence,
peace and for all those who have bravely given their lives
in the defence of freedom and justice.
We thank You that Your gracious and
provident hand has given us so much.
Yet as a nation and people
we have not always chosen the right way.
We ask You to forgive us for these times.
On this day we commit ourselves
to wholeheartedly honoring and serving You.
With everything that we are, we lay our lives before You.
Make us a generous people, A holy nation,
A people set aside to love You forever,
For the sake of the land of the brave and free,
And the peoples and nations of this world.
Today, we do not presume Your grace for our country.
Our land is in need of You,
Our people are in need of You,
Our industry and business is in need of You.
May we look only to You
This Independence Day, dependent on You.
Please come now by Your glorious Holy Spirit,
Breathe new life into the sinews of this nation.
May justice flow like rivers,
And righteousness like a never failing stream,
Until the whole of our country is covered with Your glory,
As the waters cover the sea.
We ask all this in the wonderful name of Jesus,
Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit.
One God, now and for all eternity.
A modern prayer for the United States of America from