We are As a community of faith, we have a responsibility to ourselves and one another to enter into the process of on-going formation. This process is a life-long journey leading us into a closer, more intimate relationship with Jesus, Risen Christ. Our children are welcomed into this process fully. We offer formation/education classes for all ages. We are all on this journey together.
With weekly gatherings in groups large and small, retreats, service projects, and regular Mass attendance, confirmation candidates will come to discover and embrace their faith in preparation for their reception of the sacrament of confirmation.
First Communion
The Eucharist—commonly known as first communion—is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation required to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church.
Congratulations on your engagement! We, at Mary Immaculate, are pleased to assist you with your plans for a meaningful and prayerful wedding celebration. This guide is created to answer some of your questions to better prepare you for your Wedding Day.
Each person who approaches the priest is treated kindly and with dignity and respect, and the priest offers spiritual advice and counsel to the penitent within the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. The person approaching the priest has the option of anonymity or speaking face to face with the priest.
Baptism is the external sign celebrating the entrance of a person into the total Christian Community as well as into a specific parish family such as the Mary Immaculate parish.