John the Baptist
Nativity of St. John the Baptist
“I am not worthy to unfasten the sandals of his feet.” Acts 13:25
The Preaching of St. John the Baptist by Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Since June 24 falls on a Sunday this year, the Church has the opportunity for a more intense celebration of the birth of John the Baptist, who is often described as the last of the Old Testament prophets and the bridge between Judaism and Christianity. More commonly, John is known as the “precursor” of our Lord Jesus Christ. All the Gospels report John’s basic message: Repent, the kingdom is near at hand. One greater than I is coming.
Though he was a wandering preacher who dressed in camel skins and ate grasshoppers, John’s legacy is one of true royalty. His origins are similar to those foretold by God through the prophet Isaiah: “You are my servant, he said to me, Israel through whom I show my glory” (Isaiah 49:3). John’s humility—“I am not he”—was surpassed only by that of his Lord Jesus, the humble servant who followed.
Readings for the Week
Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5
Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Ps 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14
Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33-37, 40; Mt 7:15-20
Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79:1b-5, 8, 9; Mt 7:21-29
Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 19:2-5; Gal 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19
Day: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19
Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17
Sunday: Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; 2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mk 5:21-43 [5:21-24, 35b-43]
Saints & Special Observances
Sunday: The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Monday: Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time
Wednesday: St. Cyril of Alexandria
Thursday: St. Irenaeus
Friday: Ss. Peter and Paul
Saturday: The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church; Blessed Virgin Mary