Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes from January 2013
Members Present
Teresa Montaño, María Lua, Marco López, Ricky Jones, Martín Rosales, Matilde Luna, Father Víctor, Zoila Barahona
Change of Leadership
Father Victor stated that he spoke to some of the parishioners that had been nominated to the Parish Pastoral Council. He also stated that the change should happen around Pentecost every 2 or 3 years depending on the type of ministry. Some examples are: ACTS and Prayer Group would renew their leadership every 3 years and liturgical ministries every 2 years.
Some Information That Will Be Turned Over to the New Members of the Parish Pastoral Council
The bylaws, rules of order for meetings, Parish Mission, the Pastoral Plan and its objectives. Father Victor explained that to be able to evaluate the Pastoral Plan, it must include all the dimensions of the parish, name of person in charge of certain activities, and the needs of the parish. One member of the council stated that there should be a committee in charge of the festivities of St. Jude and also for the day of Virgen de Guadalupe.
Updating Personal Data for All Ministries
Father Victor wants to have an to date ministry directory. Some of the members volunteer to get this information from some of the ministries: Prayer group, ACTS, Lectors, Eucharistic ministers, RCIA, Small communities, confirmation, Life Teen, and Jovenes para Cristo.
Next Meeting
January 24, 2013 at 7pm