News for September
Confirmation Registrations
For ages 14-17 years will begin on August 9 through the end of September. In order to register you must bring copies of Baptism and First Communion certificates. A deposit of at least $100 is required upon registering. The office is registering Monday through Thursday from 4:00-6:00 pm only! For more information please contact the YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE at (818) 899-0278 ext 7.
Did you know?
What to look for in a safe school
Preventing violence in schools takes more than a few rules and requirements. It requires a culture of concern, in which every member works together to prevent violence and abuse. These cultures share certain hallmarks that parents can look for in selecting the safest school for their children. Some of these features include a strong community, clear lines of communication between teachers, staff, and families, and equal respect for students and staff throughout the school. For more information, request a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Characteristics of Safe and Responsive Schools” at Read the VIRTUS article “Characteristics of Safe and Responsive Schools” here.