English Español Mary Immaculate
Catholic Church / Pacoima, CA

News for July

New Mass Schedule

Due to current circumstances, this will be our new Mass schedule until further notice:

Weekdays: 6:30pm in Spanish

Saturday (Vigil): 7:00pm in Spanish


  • 6:00am (Spanish)
  • 8:00am (Spanish)
  • 10:00am (English)
  • 12:00pm (Spanish)
  • 2:00pm (Spanish)
  • 4:00pm (Bilingue)
  • 6:00pm (Spanish)
  • 8:00pm (Spanish)

If you wish to attend one of these Masses, it is recommend that you regisiter beforehand due to the limited capacity of 100. Registration is available Monday – Friday from 10:00am – 6:00pm in the parish office.

Please arrive 30 minutes beforehand to allow time to pass through the sanitation station before entering the church. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our parish a safe place for all.

If you have symptoms of illness, have low defenses, are elderly, or feel uncomfortable coming to church, stay home and join us online for one of live broadcasts.

Until further notice the dispensation of the Sunday obligation by Archbishop Gómez remains in effect.

Practicas & Primeras Comuniones 5pm

Encuentro : Salon Parroquial

Catequistas Programa de un Año

Names Practicas Primera Comunion
Alma Xochitl & Maria Alma Martinez Lunes 29 de Junio Martes 7 de Julio
Jose Luis & Gabriela Duarte Miercoles 1 de Julio Miercoles 8 de Julio
Ana & Miguel Pimentel Jueves 2 de Julio Jueves 9 de Julio

Catequistas Program de 2 Años

Names Practicas Primera Comunion
Hortencia Sevilla / Lupita Galan

Martes 30 de Junio

Martes 14 de Julio
Martha Orozco/ Gerardo Bernal

Lunes 6 de Julio

Miercoles 15 de Julio
Catalina, Lorena Perez/ Erika Medina

Viernes 10 de Julio

Jueves 16 de Julio
Maria V./ Mayra, Jennifer A.

Lunes 13 de Julio

Martes 21 de Julio
Blanca Ramos/ Heladio Medina

Viernes 17 de Julio

Miercoles 22 de Julio
Maltide Luna/ Juana Muñoz

Lunes 20 de Julio

Jueves 23 de Julio
Ma. De Jesus C./ Veronica Romero

Viernes 24 de Julio

Martes 28 de Julio
Irene Villa/ Martha Clegg

Lunes 27 de Julio

Miercoles 27 de Julio

Catequistas Programa SPRED

Names Practicas Primera Comunion
Angelina Martinez (Grupo A)

Jueves 30 de Julio

Martes 4 de Agosto
Angelina Martinez ( Grupo B)

Viernes 31 de Julio

Miercoles 5 de Agosto

Did You Know?

Be aware of poison dangers in the home

More than 90% of all poisonings happen in homes. Parents should know the top risks for children (especially children who still put things in their mouths!) and work to eradicate them. Lead poisoning is high on the list, especially for older homes with lead paint or dust. Button batteries are small and shiny and lurk in many toys and electronics that litter our homes. Swallowing these can be deadly for children. The same is true of household cleaners like laundry or dishwasher detergent pods. For more information, visit https://www.nsc.org/home-safety/safety-topics/otherpoisons.

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