News for July
Confirmation/Youth Ministry Program
CONFIRMATION be taking REGISTRATIONS beginning July through August. Monday-Thursday from 4-6pm in the Youth Ministry office. Be sure to bring Baptism and First Communion certificates along with a $100 deposit.
Summer BIBLE STUDIES will be on Thursdays 6:30-8:00pm in the Father Luciano Hall. All High School students are invited.
For more information please call the Youth Ministry office at (818) 899-0278, ext 7
Parish Office will be closed
Tuesday, July 4
Discover Natural Family Planning
Awareness week from July 23-29.
We encourage to view the YouTube video, Live the Love: Discover Natural Planning: as a standard part of your Marriage Preparation Process. Natural Family Planning is an educational program that helps couples plan the size of their families. It teaches them to observe, record and interpret female body changes related to ovulation. With this knowledge, couples can identify the fertile and infertile phases in the woman’s menstrual cycle. In Spanish; Amor y Fertilidad, Fundación Familia de las Américas. For further NFP information, please go to our website at
Did You Know?
Why is it important to screen volunteers and staff?
A screening process for hiring new staff members or volunteers is critical to protecting children, because this process makes it harder for abusers to gain access to potential victims. When organizations are careful about screening, it sends a message that they are committed to preventing child abuse. Screening practices can include requiring standard application information, or thorough references and criminal background checks. For more information on screening processes, read the VIRTUS article “The Importance of Screening and Selecting Employees and Volunteers” at