News for July
CEF Receives $50 Million Donation to Provide Scholarships to Deserving New Students
Catholic school students are now back in the classroom — on the road toward graduation and becoming the future leaders of tomorrow! The Catholic Education Foundation of Los Angeles has received a $50 million gift to provide financial support to new elementary and high school students enrolling in an Archdiocesan school in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. Families interested in Archdiocese of Los Angeles Catholic schools are encouraged to visit or call (213) 637-7070 for more information and access to financial assistance. Schools are enrolling now for fall. Catholic education is affordable and tuition assistance is available!
Religious Education Program
Accepting Applications Beginning June for baptized children ages 7-12.
2 year program Classes in Spanish or English.
For more information, contact the Religious Education Office at (818) 899-2111.
Did you know?
July 10-11 || Another reason not to leave children in the car
Parents know the dangers of hot cars and leaving children unattended. Experts say there’s another reason to never leave children alone, in a running vehicle, even for just a few moments — carjackers. A car thief may see a running car as an easy target, but if he/she doesn’t know there is a child inside, the car thief becomes an unintentional abductor. In these cases, car thieves may panic, leaving the child in an increasingly dangerous situation. Take extra precautions to make sure your children are not left alone in a car. It is well worth the extra steps of getting them in and out of car seats and safety belts and taking them with you. For more information, visit