Liturgical Ministries
Coordinator of Liturgy
- Name: Jesus Jimenez
- Phone: 818-431-3970
- Email:
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the priest/celebrant at mass, special celebrations, weddings, funerals and holy days. Alter servers gain the knowledge and experience to serve through classroom instruction and training. Boys and girls who are baptized Catholic and have received First Holy Communion are welcomed to join.
- Activities: Service during mass, prayer, sharing time together, trips, picnics
- Meetings: The 2nd Saturday of the Month in Auditorium #1 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic ministers assist our priests during mass with the distribution of Holy Communion. Members of this ministry also volunteer to visit and take communion to the sick, in their homes, with much love and compassion. Ministers are called not only to minister the Body and Blood of Christ, but also to take on Christ’s likeness. The ministers accomplish this by strengthening their faith from within and sharing it with the faithful at communion.
- English Coordinator: Rosie Magaña – 747-256-0212 –
- English Meetings: contact coordinator
- Spanish Coordinator: Roselia Garcia – 818-298-4185
- Spanish Meetings: second Wednesday of the month
- English Coordinator of Ministers of the Sick: Daniel Dunkin – 818-453-3481
- Spanish Coordinator of Ministers of the Sick: Andrea Gonzalez – 818-837-1823
Lectors Ministry
Lectors strive to make the Liturgy of the Word as meaningful as possible for the worshipping assembly by speaking God’s Word as storyteller, telling how God has acted and is acting in our lives. The lector ministry seeks individuals who have a love of scripture and public reading skills.
- English Coordinator: Rosie Magaña – 747-256-0212 –
- English Meetings: contact coordinator
- Spanish Coordinator: Arcadio Huitron – 747-256-0212
- Spanish Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of the month
Music & Choir Ministry
This ministry serves Mary Immaculate Parish through the gift of music. Choir members and musicians encourage full and active participation of parishioners during liturgies. Weekly rehearsals are required and lots of practice is encouraged! Everyone is welcomed, especially those who can play an instrument or sing.
- 7:00pm – Salome Rodríguez – 818-808-9161
- 6:00am – Guillermo Montoya – 818-268-0967
- 8:00am – Esperanza Krebs – 818-894-2035
- 10:00am – Teresa Chavez – 818-390-3826
- 12:00pm – Gilberto Sotelo – 818-896-3897
- 2:00pm – Manuel Sandoval – 818-899-8560
- 4:00pm – Ausberto Barahona – 818-899-0504
- 6:00pm – Leonides Sánchez – 818-764-9512
- 8:00pm – Joaquín Patino – 818-675-3831