English Español Mary Immaculate
Catholic Church / Pacoima, CA

Religious Education

Elementary Religious Education
Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Teen Leadership Program
Youth Group
Mary Immaculate School

Elementary Religious Education

There is no more important task within the Church than passing on the faith from one generation to the next. Parents are obviously the foundation. Our goal is to build on this foundation and create an environment that gives children the opportunity for spiritual growth by nurturing their appreciation and knowledge of their Catholic faith. The curriculum emphasizes the values of the Gospel and the necessity of deepening our relationship with Jesus, the source and model for Christian life.

A catechist should be a person of faith, as well as a faithful member of the community. Catechists have a basic understanding of Church teaching, are able to communicate well with children, be willing to learn and should be able to follow a lesson plan.

  • Director: Raquel Arroyo – 818-899-2111
  • Family Program: Eva Peckinpaugh – 818-899-2111
  • Membership: 80 Instructors
  • Activities: Classroom instruction, retreats, sacraments, meetings
  • Meetings:
    • Mondays – 6:00 to 7:30 P.M.
    • Tuesdays – 6:00 to 7:30 P.M.
    • Saturdays – 8:00 – 9:30 A.M. & 10:00 – 11:30 A.M.
  • Location: Parish school and communities (family catechism)

Rites Of Christian Initiation Of Adults (RCIA)

RCIA is the process by which men and women become members of the Catholic Church. Men and women at all stages of the faith journey come together in a non-threatening, non-pressured atmosphere to learn more about the Catholic Church as their way of following Jesus. RCIA goes on within the context of the parish community and, after a suitable period of formation, culminates in the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist).

The process of Christian initiation is for adults who. . .

  1. Want to learn more about the Catholic Church.
  2. Are unbaptized and want to become Catholic Christians through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist.
  3. Are baptized Christians (in another faith tradition or the Catholic faith) who want full Sacramental membership in the Roman Catholic Church through Confirmation & Eucharist.
  4. Attend Catholic Church because of a loved one or spouse and are not sure if the Catholic Church is for them – but are willing to ask questions.
  5. Spanish Coordinator: Carlos Ruiz – 818-899-0278
  6. English Coordinator: Cecilia Barragán – 818-899-6130

Confirmation (High School Age)

Through weekly meetings in large and small group settings, retreats, service projects, and regular Mass attendance teens come to discover and embrace their faith, in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

  • Youth Ministers: Javier & Carolina Hinojosa 818-899-0278
  • Membership: 220 teens in the program & 30 confirmation team members
  • Meetings: Please contact either of the youth ministers for current information.


LIFE TEEN is nothing like any other teen program. you may have experienced before. This is not your parents’ CCD program! LIFE TEEN is a Roman Catholic teen ministry program. that tries to lead teens to Christ through a dynamic weekly Mass and LIFE Night: a fun-filled, high energy evening that reaches teens on four levels: spiritual, emotional, social, and educational.

Mass is planned by teenagers with teenagers in mind: music that touches you, with sounds that you know: drums, electric guitars, and synthesizers! The homilies deal with topics teenagers need to hear about: relationships, drugs, suicide, peer pressure, the difficulty of balancing friends, family, work, and school, and what the Gospel has to say about all these things. Imagine a church filled with teenagers singing and praising God, clapping and moving along to the music, and taking part in the great gift of the Eucharist.

LIFE Night is a 1 1/2 hour evening, from 5:00-6:30pm, filled with laughs, skits, upbeat music, free food, and opportunities to discuss, learn, and pray with other teenagers who are trying to make sense of their lives, just like you are. LIFE TEEN Mass is designed for high school age teens. Everyone, young and old alike, is always welcome to come to Mass. Teens, bring your little sisters and brothers, your parents, even your grandparents. But especially bring your teen friends: Catholics and non-Catholics too. All are welcome. But remember, LIFE Night, which follows Mass, is a “teen-only” event.

  • Youth Ministers: Javier & Carolina Hinojosa 818-899-0278
  • Membership: 100 Approximately
  • Meetings: Sunday Mass at 4:00pm
  • Life Night: from 5:00-6:30pm in the Fr. Luciano Hall

Teen Leadership Program

To further develop and strengthen recently confirmed teens through additional spiritual preparation, Christian Fellowship and peer ministry opportunities in the youth group, confirmation program, and Life Teen program.

  • Youth Ministers: Javier & Carolina Hinojosa 818-899-0278
  • Membership: 30
  • Activities: Weekly training meetings, monthly prayer, planning meetings, social outings, & service projects

Youth Group

This program provides high school age students, not otherwise involved in a formal catechetical
program (Confirmation) an opportunity for Christian Fellowship. Teens are introduced to the Catholic faith, morals and teachings in a fun and relaxed environment that includes talks, games, icebreakers, and social networking activities. Teens are invited to experience a loving and welcoming environment that promotes free speech where issues and problems plaguing teens can be discussed.

  • Coordinator: Carolina & Javier Hinojosa – 818-899-0278
  • Membership: 20-30
  • Activities: Weekly meeting on issues of faith, social justice, community building activities, sporting events, service projects, fund-raising events, field trips, and one off-site retreat.

Quinceañera Program

The goal of our program. is to help young woman experience a meaningful Quinceañera celebration. Our program. consists of weekly classes every Wednesday for two months. Through our youth leaders, Quinceañeras receive talks that aim to help them acquire self-knowledge, good values and experience the love God has for them.

  • Coordinator: Lucy Llamas – (818) 897-6396
  • Membership: One coordinator and six youth leaders
  • Activities: Songs, prayer, games, and group discussions among others

Mary Immaculate School

Our mission is to provide excellent preschool through grade 8 education in the Catholic tradition. Our students are environmentally conscious young people who love learning and are working collaboratively with a team of qualified, dedicated, and caring staff. Parents, administration, alumni, staff, and faculty work together with one goal in mind; to facilitate a safe environment where each student realizes the fullness of his or her potential – spiritually, intellectually, socially, and physically.

Our Students’ Learning Expectations along with the State Standards Set are clear manifestations of the ongoing activities and programs at our school. We believe that the Catholic education our students receive becomes their advantage for life as it encompasses the development of the “whole child.”

The school enrolls students from Pre K to Grade 8 and is fully accredited by the Western Catholic Educational Association and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Come and see the great things here at our school. Arrange to visit the school, have a tour, and speak to our students and staff. We look forward to hearing from you!

Principal: Mrs. Federina Gullano – 818-834-8551

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